Guide to the StudioJ Charting Beans

This page provides a quick overview of the Rogue Wave StudioJ beans that are bundled with your copy of JBuilder.

All of the beans included with JBuilder are charting components from StudioJ. Along with the charting components, StudioJ provides 90+ JavaBeans and a class library for database access including GUI widgets, grid, and charting beans. Only AWT versions of beans are bundled with JBuilder. Upgrade to the product and you'll receive the JFC versions, as well as some additional beans.

StudioJ includes complete source code, an online user's guide, and API documentation. Printed versions of the user's guides are also available. For more information please visit

Overlay Chart Beans

The StudioJ charting components include a set of classes and beans that allow the user to construct highly customizable charts called "overlay charts". The ScrollableOverlayChart is a base on which overlay charts can be built. To build a custom chart that mixes several chart types, simply drop a ScrollableOverlayChart into the Designer and then select the set of overlay beans you wish to add to the chart. Overlay beans are indicated by the lower left corner of the bean icon appearing to be folded upward (see the table below for examples). Overlay beans are non-visual so they won't immediately appear in the Designer window when they are dropped there, but they will appear in the Structure pane in the bottom left corner of the AppBrowser. To make the overlay appear in the chart, simply select the ScrollableOverlayChart in the Designer window and then select one of the Overlay properties in the Property Inspector window. When an overlay property is selected in the inspector you get a drop down box with a list of all the overlay beans that have been added to the current component. Select one of the overlay beans from the list and that overlay is added to the chart. You can then select the overlay bean in the Structure (lower left) pane in order to modify its properties using the Inspector window.

Click on the associated icon to link to each bean's API.
IconBean Description
ScrollableChart The ScrollableChart bean serves as the base chart onto which several overlays may be placed in order to construct a highly customized chart.
CandleStickChart The CandleStickChart is typically used to display historical stock price information. This prebuilt overlay chart display high, low, open and close prices using a CandleStickOverlay and trading volume using a BarOverlay. The left scale indicates price while the right scale indicates volume. Additional overlays can be added if desired.
HighLowStockChart The HighLowStockChart is typically used to display historical stock price information. This prebuilt overlay chart display high, low, open and close prices using a HighLowOverlay and trading volume using a BarOverlay. The left scale indicates price while the right scale indicates volume. The chart also includes a dragable key explaining how to interpret the chart symbols. Additional overlays can be added if desired.
BarOverlay The BarOverlay bean represents a single row of data as a series of vertical bars. It can be used with the ScrollableOverlayChart bean to construct highly customizable charts.
Box The Box overlay bean creates a rectangular box on an overlay chart. It can be used with the ScrollableOverlayChart bean to place a box around text or emphasize or annotate data items.
CandleStickOverlay The CandleStickOverlay bean represents high, low, open and close information and is typically used to chart historical chart price information.
HighLowOverlay The HighLowOverlay bean represents high, low, open and close information and is typically used to chart historical chart price information.
HighLowKey The HighLowKey overlay bean provides a convenient visual key to interpreting the symbols used in high-low stock charts. If you set the ListenerComponent property to the chart the overlay is placed on then the key will be draggable by the end user.
Legend The Legend overlay allows you to add a legend to your overlay chart.
LegendEntry The LegendEntry overlay allows you to add individual legend entries to an overlay chart.
LinearGrid The LinearGrid overlay creates a background grid over which other overlays are drawn. The ScrollableOverlayChart has a LinearGrid by default so you will only need this overlay if you want to change the order in which the overlays are drawn.
LinearScale The LinearScale overlay adds numeric scale labels to a chart. With the scale property set to Primary the scale will appear on the left of the chart, if set to Secondary the scale will appear on the right.
Log10Scale The Log10Scale overlay adds numeric scale labels to a chart. With the scale property set to Primary the scale will appear on the left of the chart, if set to Secondary the scale will appear on the right.
LineOverlay The LineOverlay bean represents a single row of data as a set of connected line segments. The LineOverlay bean supports skipping or spanning missing values and the optional placement of markers at each data point.
NullOverlay The primary purpose of the NullOverlay is to be replacement value for an overlay that you wish to remove.
RichText The RichText overlay allows you to place a chunk of formatted text on a chart, typically either to act as a label or annotation.
Text The Text overlay bean allows you to place a simple text string on a chart, typically either to act as a label or annotation.
RowRangeDataRange The RowRangeDataRange bean is used to specify the range of one of the scales. The range of the data in the specified set of consecutive rows is used as the range for the scale.
SingleRowDataRange The SingleRowDataRange bean is used to specify the range of one of the scales. The range of the data in the specified row is used as the range used for the scale.

Standard Chart Beans

IconBean Description
Chart The Chart bean allows the user to choose any one of the standard chart types by setting the chartType property.
AreaChart The AreaChart bean is a chart type that displays each row of data as an area chart.
StackedAreaChart The StackedAreaChart bean shows all the rows of data as a single row of stacked area segments.
LineChart The LineChart bean is a chart that displays each row of data as a line.
MultiColumnBarChart The MultiColumnBarChart displays a single row of bars with each column containing a bar for each row.
MultiRowBarChart The MultiRowBarChart bean displays each row of data as a row of bars.
StackedBarChart The StackedBarChart bean represents each column of data as a stack of bars, one for each row in the data.
PieChart The PieChart bean displays a single row of data as a pie chart.
ScatterPlot The ScatterPlot bean displays a scatter plot of values in one row versus the values in another row.
SingleColumnLegend The SingleColumnLegend bean can be used to replace the default SingleRowLegend. To change the legend of a standard chart drop a legend bean into the designer and then select the chart in the Designer. Next click on the chart's legend property in the Inspector and select the new legend bean from the drop down list.

Chart Data Beans

IconBean Description
DataSetAdaptor The DataSetAdaptor bean allows you to view data in a JBuilder DataSet in a chart. Simply drop the DataSetAdaptor into the Designer pane, set the dataSet property on the DataSetAdaptor to the DataSet you want to view, and then set the data property on the chart to the DataSetAdaptor.
FileData The FileData bean reads data in TextData format from a file or URL. You can then view the data in a chart by selecting the FileData bean as the value for the data property of the chart.